Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck surgery helps to restore a firmer, flatter abdomen by removing any excess skin and fat.

A tummy tuck is designed to give you a slimmer and trimmer profile by smoothing your stomach and restoring a flatter, firmer, more contoured abdomen through the removal of excess skin and fat. In many cases, the abdominal muscles are tightened as well. For many people, genetics, weight gain, or pregnancy can cause the muscles and skin of the abdomen to stretch permanently. Dieting and exercise will not help restore the muscle and skin to a more flat and contoured appearance.

Surgical Solutions Network offers private tummy tuck surgery in Canada for men and women from Toronto, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, British Columbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and throughout the country who wish to tighten loose skin and repair the underlying muscles on their abdomen.

Tummy Tuck with Surgical Solutions Network

Patients from across Canada and all over the world choose Surgical Solutions Network for abdominoplasty surgery. Our surgeons have performed many hundreds of tummy tuck procedures. Our pre- and post-operative care is exceptional and, combined with our patient-centred philosophy, will provide you with a positive and rewarding experience. We will help you regain your confidence and achieve the look you desire.

Values That Matter to Us and Our Patients


We are patient focused and provide effective care with human kindness.


We combine innovation with the latest technology and processes to advance surgical care in Canada and better serve patients and providers.


We are a continuously learning organization that measures, monitors, and improves every day.


We support, respect, and accept our patients, team members, and partners, while operating with honesty and integrity in providing our services.

What Does a Tummy Tuck Treat?

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at correcting the appearance of excess skin and fat in the abdominal area. If you are self-conscious about unsightly stretch marks or sagging skin caused by weight loss, pregnancy, or lower abdominal surgery, then this procedure may be for you.

What to Expect During an Abdominoplasty

There are several different abdominoplasty techniques, each designed for a specific abdominal shape. Your plastic surgeon will carefully review the risks and benefits of each technique and recommend the best approach for you.

Types of Abdominoplasty

Complete Tummy Tuck

Complete abdominoplasty is offered to patients who have significant fat deposits both in the lower and middle abdominal area, as well as loose skin and lax muscles in the abdominal wall. The procedure involves a long incision made across the lower abdomen, just above the pubic area. Incisions are kept discreetly within the undergarment line and dissolving stitches are used so there is no removal required afterward. The complete tummy tuck procedure takes about four hours under a general anaesthetic allowing you to return home the same day.

Abdominoplasty may also be combined with liposuction to provide you with a slimmer and more contoured waistline.

Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini abdominoplasty is an option for patients who have less excess skin and fat and who do not have substantially distended abdomens. While a complete tummy tuck involves an incision around the belly button and across the lower abdomen, a mini tummy tuck requires only a small incision above the pubic bone leaving the belly button intact.

Tummy Tuck Results

Abdominoplasty can produce excellent results for patients with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin. Our goal is to help you feel more confident and comfortable with a flatter and better-toned stomach, a narrower waist, and smoother body contours. Our doctors will focus on delivering a natural-looking abdomen that is genuinely firmer, helping clothes fit better, with an enhanced shape that is immediately noticeable after surgery.

Recovery After a Tummy Tuck

It may take you weeks or months to feel like your old self again. If you start out in top physical condition with strong abdominal muscles, recovery from abdominoplasty will progress much faster. Some people return to work after two weeks, while others take three or four weeks to rest and recuperate.

Exercise will help with your healing process. Even people who did not exercise regularly before surgery should begin an exercise program to reduce swelling, lower the chance of blood clots, and tone muscles. Vigorous exercise, however, should be avoided until you can do it comfortably. Your scars may appear to worsen during the first three to six months as they heal, but this is normal and within nine months to a year they will flatten out and lighten in colour. While they will never disappear completely, abdominal scars will not show under most clothing, even under bathing suits.

Next Steps: Book a Tummy Tuck Consultation

If you are ready to discuss your cosmetic surgery needs with one of our fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, request a consultation today. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss:

  • Your medical history
  • Incision techniques
  • Potential risks and complications
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