Cosmetic Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Self-conscious about your large or protruding ears? Achieve a more natural look that complements your features.

Otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery, is an aesthetic procedure designed to repair large or protruding ears, in addition to other irregularities including stretched, folded, cauliflower and cupped ears. The surgery can also reposition the ears closer to the head (a procedure known as ear pinning), reduce the size of the ears, or reshape bends in the cartilage. We perform all of these “ear tuck” and cosmetic procedures at our modern facilities. Surgical Solutions Network offers private ear surgery in Canada for men and women of all ages from Toronto, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, British Columbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and throughout the country.

Cosmetic Ear Surgery with Surgical Solutions Network

Many patients choose Surgical Solutions Network for cosmetic ear surgery. Our ear surgeons have years of experience and excellence in performance and outcome with this procedure. We strive to provide exceptional pre- and post-operative care. Combined with our patient-centred philosophy, we aim to provide all our patients with a compassionate, caring, and rewarding experience.

Values That Matter to Us and Our Patients


We are patient focused and provide effective care with human kindness.


We combine innovation with the latest technology and processes to advance surgical care in Canada and better serve patients and providers.


We are a continuously learning organization that measures, monitors, and improves every day.


We support, respect, and accept our patients, team members, and partners, while operating with honesty and integrity in providing our services.

Why Have Cosmetic Ear Surgery?

Prominent ears can occur for several reasons: they may be pushed outward by thick excess cartilage behind the ear, or the ear may have a cupped shape that causes them to curve outward and forward, rather than bending back toward the head. If the anti-helical fold – a portion of the ear that determines how close the ear rests to the head – is underdeveloped, it may also cause the ears to stick out. Cosmetic ear surgery can fix these frustrating issues and help you to achieve a more natural appearance.

Otoplasty Benefits

  • Less prominent or protruding ears
  • Smaller, more well-shaped ears
  • A more natural, subtle appearance
  • Ears that complement your features
  • Higher confidence and self-esteem

Who Is a Candidate for Ear Surgery?

During a one-on-one consultation, our physicians will determine whether you are an appropriate candidate for otoplasty. Typically, good candidates are non-smokers who have:

  • Good health
  • Realistic expectations for the procedure
  • Excessively large or unusually shaped ears
  • Prominent or protruding ears
  • Drooping earlobes
  • Ear deformities
  • No active infections

Preparing for Otoplasty

Your physician will provide detailed instructions to ensure that you are properly prepared for otoplasty. You will also receive guidelines on whether you need to avoid certain medications or supplements before and after your treatment.

What Happens During Otoplasty?

After a consultation with our experienced, fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, your physician will make a small incision behind the ear, draw the ear closer to the head, and trim away any excess skin and cartilage. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will also give the ear a more natural look by making small adjustments with carefully placed stitches and reducing excess cartilage as necessary. The full otoplasty takes about two hours to perform, and any small surgical scars are almost imperceptible once the area is fully healed. The goal is to create a lasting and natural improvement to the appearance of the ear.

Otoplasty Results

Otoplasty is a safe, effective surgery that can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. Your new, improved ear shape should be noticeable almost immediately after the surgery. You will love seeing ears that look natural and that complement your features.  Any surgical scar tissue will be minimal, well hidden behind the ear, and will likely fade over time.

Recovery After Otoplasty

Most patients recover quickly and easily after cosmetic ear surgery. You will experience some discolouration and swelling around the ears, but any discomfort can be treated with medication. You will also be required to wear a headband-style dressing around your ears for the first two weeks after surgery to help your ears heal into their new position. This headband may disrupt your sleep cycle, especially if you’re used to sleeping on your side, but most people can adjust to sleeping on their backs and avoiding any pressure on the ears. You should be able to resume most normal activities almost immediately after the surgery, with the important exceptions of strenuous exercise and any activity that puts undue stress on the ear.

Next Steps: Book Your Otoplasty Consultation

If you’re ready to explore your cosmetic and surgical needs with our fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, request a consultation. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss:

  • Your medical history
  • Your aesthetic goals
  • Potential risks and complications
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