Continuity of Care

Surgical Solutions Network provides managed continuity of care at every step of our patients’ surgical journey. From pre-operative care, surgical care, and post-operative care, we provide individualized services to ensure you have an exceptional experience. At our facilities, the wait time to see a specialist is typically less than a week, once all necessary diagnostic and medical information is provided.

Our shortened timeframe for private surgery in Canada not only helps patients quickly get back to their lives, but also lessens some of the symptom progression that a longer wait time for treatment may cause.

Pre- and post-operative services are organized by working closely with our patients’ family physicians and other members of their healthcare team to ensure seamless coordination and continuity of care.

About Our Commitment to Continuity of Care

For Canadians who do not wish to have or are unable to wait for publicly insured surgery in their home province, Surgical Solutions Network supports them in receiving timely surgical care at one of our surgical centres outside their province.

We also support Canadians who wish to stay in Canada for their surgical needs, rather than travelling to another country which may not have the full continuity of care service offerings you can expect from Surgical Solutions Network.  

We are part of your surgical journey every step of the way to ensure continuity of care from pre- to post-operation.

Once you become one of our patients, our goal is to provide care for the duration of your treatment, including aftercare. Our commitment to comprehensive continuity of care and high-quality service is unique to Surgical Solutions Network.

Why Should You Stay in Canada for Surgical Care?

There are many risks associated with traveling abroad for surgery outside of Canada. At Surgical Solutions Network, we provide full continuity of care service offerings to ensure you are supported from surgery to recovery.

If you choose to undergo surgery overseas, your medical records may not be updated or accurate, which makes post-operative care challenging once you return home. If you encounter an issue stemming from surgery in another country, you may need medical attention from your local surgeons or healthcare providers who were uninvolved in the procedure – and sometimes they are unable to help, depending on the severity of the issue.

Choosing Surgical Solutions Network allows our fellowship-trained team of physicians and clinicians to be part of your surgical journey every step of the way. From pre- to post-operative care, we ensure you benefit from high-quality, continuous care here in Canada.

Why Inter-Provincial Travel is Necessary

The Canada Health Act gives Canadians flexibility in their healthcare choices. Medical care for Canadians is insured by their provincial health plans. While out of province, any medical care beyond emergency care is covered by the patient. This means those seeking immediate, self-funded care, such as surgery, can do so out-of-province and don’t have to risk getting procedures done in foreign countries.

Visit our Inter-Provincial Travel page for more info.


Get to Know Surgical Solutions Network

Surgical Solutions Network provides Canadians with additional access to surgical services by offering individuals, private insurance companies, and employers customized partnerships that help Canadians receive quality, timely surgical care. Private surgical services must be performed outside of your home province.

Our network of independent surgical facilities includes highly skilled registered nurses, multidisciplinary healthcare providers, and a team of leading fellowship-trained physicians with specialized experience in fields such as:

Surgical Solutions Network has the largest number of independent surgical facilities in Canada. We have a network of independent surgical centres located in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, and British Columbia. All our facilities are regulated and accredited by each province’s College of Physicians and Surgeons or through an independent accreditation body such as Accreditation Canada, ensuring the highest standards of care are met.  

As with the public system, all our physicians and registered nurses undergo a rigorous credentialing process to confirm their qualifications and that they are in good standing with their respective professional organizations. All physicians working at Surgical Solutions Network maintain, or have sponsorship for, admitting privileges at a local hospital to ensure continuity of patient care.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn how Surgical Solutions Network can help you return to your normal, pain-free life sooner.

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