Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, reduces loose, sagging skin under the arm to improve the arm’s appearance.

An arm lift is a type of plastic surgery to the area of under arm between the armpit and elbow. An arm lift removes additional, unwanted fat and skin from under the arm to improve its look. Surgical Solutions Network offers private arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery in Canada for men and women from Toronto, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, British Columbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and throughout the country who wish to tighten loose skin on their upper arms.

Arm Lift with Surgical Solutions Network

Patients from across Canada and all over the world choose Surgical Solutions Network for arm lifts. Our renowned plastic surgeons have successfully performed arm lifts for more than a decade. Our surgeons have years of experience and a commitment to excellence. Our modern facility and patient-centred philosophy will ensure you have a positive, rewarding experience. Let us help you regain your confidence and achieve the look you desire.

Values That Matter to Us and Our Patients


We are patient focused and provide effective care with human kindness.


We combine innovation with the latest technology and processes to advance surgical care in Canada and better serve patients and providers.


We are a continuously learning organization that measures, monitors, and improves every day.


We support, respect, and accept our patients, team members, and partners, while operating with honesty and integrity in providing our services.

Why Get an Arm Lift?

For someone who is unhappy with sagging skin under the arms, or who experiences a lack of confidence as a result of this, an arm lift can help. People who have lost a lot of weight can also benefit from an arm lift, as the loose, sagging skin cannot be rectified through further exercise and diet.

What Does Arm Lift Surgery Involve?

Arm lift surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, which means the patient is unconscious during the procedure. Patients can return home the same day. During the surgery, the plastic surgeon makes incisions to the undersides of the arms, before stitching them closed. The size of the incisions depends on how much skin is to be removed.

Arm Lift Results

An arm lift can result in arms that look more toned, with tighter skin.

Next Steps: Book Your Arm Lift Consultation

If you are ready to discuss your arm lift needs with our plastic surgeons, request a consultation today. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss:

  • Your medical history
  • Incision techniques
  • Potential risks and complications
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