Exploring Different Types of Hip Surgery: What’s Right for You?

Doctor in white coat is holding a patient's (hand (MODELS) while walking with a wooden cane.

If hip pain affects your quality of life, it may be time to consider private hip surgery. With our comprehensive surgical solutions, there’s no lengthy wait for the timely care you deserve.

If you’re like most people considering hip repair, you’re probably wondering what types of hip surgery are available. In this post, we’ll explore the different options to help you better understand the innovative ways hip surgery can restore your mobility and enhance your lifestyle.

What Is Hip Arthroscopy Surgery?

When you’re ready to diagnose the root cause of your chronic hip joint pain, hip arthroscopy can help. During this minimally invasive surgery, a tiny camera is inserted through small incisions to help your surgeon assess, diagnose, and potentially treat the issue. We commonly perform arthroscopic surgery to treat hip conditions such as labral tears and loose cartilage or bone fragments within the joint. However, more extensive damage usually warrants a more invasive solution, such as hip replacement surgery or hip resurfacing surgery.

Who’s a good candidate?

  • Individuals with early-stage hip concerns
  • Individuals with chronic hip pain and limited range of motion
  • Individuals with relatively healthy joint structures

Key benefits:

  • Minimally invasive with a quicker recovery time
  • Preserves the natural hip joint
  • Outpatient procedure with minimal risks

Patients with the above traits can typically delay the need for a more invasive procedure. However, during your consultation, our orthopedic surgeons will assess your needs and recommend the best course of treatment.

What Is Hip Resurfacing Surgery?

If you’re suffering from hip pain but not quite ready for a total hip replacement, hip resurfacing is a viable and less invasive alternative for our younger, active patients. Instead of removing the entire femoral head, this bone-preserving approach trims and caps the femur with a smooth metal covering. Your surgeon also resurfaces the damaged hip joint socket with a metal shell.

Who’s a good candidate?

  • Individuals with good bone quality who want to address severe arthritic hip pain
  • Active individuals who want to maintain a high level of physical activity after surgery
  • Younger patients (under 65) who have already tried nonsurgical treatment options

Key benefits:

  • Maintains natural hip movement and range of motion
  • Preserves more of the natural bone
  • Less risk of hip dislocation

Patients with smaller frames or bones weakened by osteoporosis are generally not good candidates for hip resurfacing.

What Is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Worn and damaged joints that cause chronic pain and reduce your mobility likely warrant hip replacement surgery, also referred to as arthroplasty. During your procedure, we insert high-quality implants that mimic your natural hip function and movement. Your surgeon will perform the procedure using one of the following surgical techniques:

Direct Anterior (DA) Replacement

Using this minimally invasive surgical approach, your surgeon accesses the hip from the front of the body through a small incision. They navigate between muscles and tendons to remove damaged bone and cartilage and implant the artificial hip to restore your mobility.

Posterior Hip Replacement

This surgical approach accesses the hip joint through an incision toward the back of the body, near the buttocks. Your surgeon inserts the hip implant while repairing surrounding muscles or tendons that were detached to gain access to the hip joint.

DA and posterior hip replacement techniques are equally safe and effective, and both offer positive outcomes. Your surgeon will recommend the best approach based on your unique needs.

Who’s a good candidate?

  • Individuals with severely damaged joints due to osteoarthritis and other conditions
  • Individuals with reduced mobility and ability to perform daily tasks and activities
  • Individuals who have already tried nonsurgical or less invasive therapies and treatments without relief

Key benefits:

  • Long-lasting relief
  • Improved mobility and quality of life
  • High success and patient satisfaction rate

While hip replacement surgery is a “tried-and-true” solution for restoring joint functionality, it has a longer recovery time than other hip procedures. This blog post provides additional details about what to expect when undergoing a hip replacement.

What’s the Best Type of Hip Surgery for Me?

Truthfully, there’s no “best” approach to hip replacement that works for every patient. Choosing hip arthroscopy or hip resurfacing vs replacement is based on individual factors such as your age, activity level, the extent of joint damage or pain, and overall health. Consulting with one of our skilled orthopedic surgeons is the best way to determine the surgical option that suits your specific needs.

Regardless of which procedure or technique you’re considering, the goal remains the same: to provide relief, help you regain your mobility, and enable you to return to your favourite activities.

What’s Next?

Why live in pain when you have timely access to our private surgical solutions? If you’re ready to take your next steps toward a better quality of life, contact us online today or call us at (888) 888-4250 to learn more and book your consultation with one of our Surgical Solutions Network orthopedic surgeons.

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