
Do you have a prominent, disproportionate, or asymmetric nose? Bring harmony to your face with nose restructuring and reshaping.

A well-shaped nose that works in balance with the rest of the face is a common goal. Feeling self-conscious about the size or shape of your nose can negatively affect your self-esteem – and significant structural irregularities can cause breathing and sleeping problems, poor sleep, chronic bad breath, and even affect your ability to smell and taste.

At Surgical Solutions Network, we perform rhinoplasty at our modern facilities in Canada for men and women from Toronto, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, British Columbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and throughout the country to reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the nostril span, or adjust the angle between your nose and upper lip. Rhinoplasty (commonly known as a “nose job”) can also help to correct birth defects and injuries or to relieve certain breathing problems.

Get Your Rhinoplasty with Surgical Solutions Network

Patients from across Canada and all over the world choose Surgical Solutions Network for rhinoplasty. Our renowned fellowship-trained plastic surgeons have successfully performed many hundreds of rhinoplasty procedures. Our surgeons have years of experience and a commitment to excellence. Rhinoplasty is one of the more complex aesthetic surgery procedures and requires surgeons to have precision and extensive experience. Our modern facility and patient-centered philosophy will ensure you have a positive, rewarding experience at every turn. Let us help you regain your confidence and achieve the look you desire.

Values That Matter to Us and Our Patients


We are patient focused and provide effective care with human kindness.


We combine innovation with the latest technology and processes to advance surgical care in Canada and better serve patients and providers.


We are a continuously learning organization that measures, monitors, and improves every day.


We support, respect, and accept our patients, team members, and partners, while operating with honesty and integrity in providing our services.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

  • Remove nasal humps, bumps or bends
  • Narrow overly wide nostrils
  • Better nose shape & facial balance
  • Prominent nose tip is minimized
  • Better angle between nose & upper lip
  • Improve breathing, air flow & sense of smell
  • Higher self-confidence and self-esteem

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions to ensure that you are properly prepared for rhinoplasty. You will also receive guidelines on whether you need to avoid certain medications or supplements before and after your treatment.

Candidates for Rhinoplasty

During a one-on-one consultation, your surgeon will determine whether you are an appropriate candidate for rhinoplasty or nose reshaping. Typically, good candidates are non-smokers who have:

  • Good health and a stable body weight
  • Realistic expectations for the procedure
  • A desire for improvement, not perfection
  • Significant nasal irregularities
  • Large, misshapen or prominent noses
  • Breathing and/or sleeping issues
  • Reduced ability to smell and taste

What to Expect During Rhinoplasty

During the consultation with one of our fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, you will choose an incision based on the type of reshaping you require. Most commonly, your plastic surgeon will make incisions inside and at the base of the nose. These incisions are tiny and usually become invisible once they’re healed.

Most rhinoplasty procedures only take a few hours and are performed under general anesthesia. Patients can return home the same day with a light dressing and splint over the nose.

Trimming the septum improves the angle between the nose and upper lip. To improve the nasal airway, the shape or position of the septum may be altered. Or the deviated portion of the septum may be partially removed.

A splint made of tape and an overlay of plastic, metal, or plaster is applied to help the bone and cartilage of the nose maintain their new shape.

Rhinoplasty Results

Your nose job will be precisely customized to ensure you receive a carefully re-designed nose that enhances your face. Your surgeon will consider your face shape, profile, physical features, and cosmetic goals to give you a more harmonious appearance that can boost your confidence. Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed to meet aesthetic goals or for reconstructive purposes to correct birth defects or breathing problems. After surgery, the patient has a straighter bridge, a well-defined nasal tip, and an improved angle between the nose and upper lip.

Recovery After Rhinoplasty

You will need to wear the nasal splint for a week after the rhinoplasty procedure. Soft nasal packing may also be required and will be removed after 3-5 days. You will likely experience some discomfort for the first 48-72 hours, which can easily be controlled with medication. After 7-10 days, swelling and bruising will subside, and you should be able to return to work and normal activities. Any final swelling may take up to six months to resolve.

Next Steps: Book Your Rhinoplasty Consultation

If you’re ready to explore your cosmetic and surgical needs with one of our fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, request a consultation today. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss:

  • Your medical history
  • Your aesthetic goals
  • Potential risks and complications
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