Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Restore the youthful shape and balance of your breasts.

After pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight loss, or the natural aging process, it is common for breasts to lose volume and become saggy. Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to lift the breasts and improve fullness. Surgical Solutions Network offers private breast lift surgery in Canada for women from Toronto, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, British Columbia; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and throughout the country who want to lift and reshape their sagging breasts.

A breast lift may be performed with breast implants or you may be a candidate for breast reduction surgery, depending on your needs.

Breast Lift with Surgical Solutions Network

Patients from across Canada and all over the world choose Surgical Solutions Network for breast lifts. Our renowned plastic surgeons have successfully performed thousands of breast lift surgeries.  Our surgeons have years of experience and a commitment to excellence. Our modern facility and patient-centred philosophy will ensure you have a positive, rewarding experience. Let us help you regain your confidence and achieve the look you desire.

Values That Matter to Us and Our Patients


We are patient focused and provide effective care with human kindness.


We combine innovation with the latest technology and processes to advance surgical care in Canada and better serve patients and providers.


We are a continuously learning organization that measures, monitors, and improves every day.


We support, respect, and accept our patients, team members, and partners, while operating with honesty and integrity in providing our services.

Candidates for Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

During a one-on-one consultation, your plastic surgeon will determine whether you are an appropriate candidate for a breast lift. Typically, good candidates are non-smokers who have:

  • Good health and a stable body weight
  • Realistic expectations for the procedure
  • Frustrations about breast sagging, lost volume or fullness
  • Breasts with a pendulous, elongated shape
  • Stretched skin and enlarged areolas
  • Nipples and areolas that point downward
  • One breast that is lower than the other

Breast Lift Results

You can expect to feel more comfortable with the shape and position of your breasts, and you’ll see the beautiful, natural results immediately after the surgery. Many women say their breast lift procedure has boosted their confidence and made it easier (and more fun) to shop for clothes. It’s important to remember, however, that no surgery can permanently delay the effects of gravity. Variables that may also affect the procedure – and your results – include your age, the size and shape of your breasts, and the condition of your skin.

Preparing for a Breast Lift

Your plastic surgeon will provide detailed instructions to ensure that you are properly prepared for the surgery and the recovery period. You will also receive guidelines on what to eat and drink and whether you need to avoid certain medications or supplements before and after your procedure.

What to Expect During a Breast Lift

First, you will have a consultation with one of our experienced, fellowship-trained plastic surgeons to determine whether you are a good candidate for a breast lift and to discuss your expectations and options.

There are a number of different techniques for breast lift surgery.  All of them involve tightening the skin of the breast and lifting the nipple and areola.  Your surgeon will discuss where the scars would need to be placed to achieve this.

Breast Lift Recovery

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and you can go home the same day. You’ll experience some post-surgical discomfort, swelling, and bruising for about two weeks, which can be minimized with medication, and you should be able to return to work after a few days. You will also be able to wear a normal bra after the procedure. You should, however, avoid sleeping on your stomach and lifting heavy objects for at least two weeks.

Next Steps: Book Your Breast Lift Consultation

If you’re ready to discuss your surgical needs with one of our fellowship-trained plastic surgeons, request a consultation today. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss:

  • Your medical history
  • Potential risks and complications
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