What Should I Expect After Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery?

woman with chronic sinusitis

Struggling with chronic sinusitis is uncomfortable and can reduce your quality of life. If you haven’t responded to medication, your ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist may recommend Balloon Sinuplasty as an option for minimally invasive surgical intervention to help improve breathing, and reduce swelling and inflammation of the sinuses.

Because Balloon Sinuplasty is a specialized ENT procedure, not all hospitals and surgery centres are able to perform it. At Surgical Solutions Network, we offer Balloon Sinuplasty at our private surgical centre in Toronto. Our private ENT specialists in Toronto can help you regain your quality of life and alleviate your chronic sinusitis symptoms, so you can breathe more easily!

6 Facts You Should Know About Balloon Sinuplasty Surgery

  1. What is this procedure for and how will it help my sinus symptoms?
    Balloon Sinuplasty is a minimally invasive surgery for chronic sinusitis symptoms. It’s an option for patients who have not responded to medication prescribed for their symptoms by their ENT specialist or primary care provider. The procedure will provide relief from uncomfortable and painful sinusitis symptoms.
  2. What happens during Balloon Sinuplasty surgery?
    The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery procedures because it doesn’t involve removing bone or tissue from the nose. Traditional sinus surgeries are more invasive and have a longer down time, while Balloon Sinuplasty is a relatively quick, minimally-invasive day procedure. This allows patients to recover faster and return to their normal activities. Balloon Sinuplasty is equally as effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis when compared to other, more invasive sinus procedures.
  3. Do I qualify for Balloon Sinuplasty?
    Your ENT specialist will perform diagnostics to see if you quality for Balloon Sinuplasty. If Balloon Sinuplasty is recommended for your chronic sinusitis, you can access private ENT surgery at a Surgical Solutions Network surgery centre in Canada. Before your private surgery at our Toronto centre, you will complete a Pre-Surgical Patient Questionnaire to provide us with your basic medical history. We also require your most recent CT scan and diagnostics from your doctor. If your diagnostics confirm that you’re a suitable patient for the procedure, we may also request a History and Physical, along with bloodwork and ECG, from your family doctor. Our ENT surgeon will review your medical information during your virtual consultation. After your consultation with our ENT surgeon, your Balloon Sinuplasty surgery can be booked in as little as 4 to 6 weeks at our private surgery centre.
  1. What is the average recovery time for Balloon Sinuplasty?
    Recovery time varies with each patient, but generally people are able to resume normal activities within a few days. It is a safe, minimally invasive procedure with a relatively quick recovery time.
  1. How should I prepare for my Balloon Sinuplasty surgery?
    Your surgeon will best advise how to prepare based on your current circumstances.  Often pre-surgical preparation is limited to day prior to the procedure to aid in achieving the best possible outcome following your surgery.
  1. What does what does Balloon Sinuplasty cost?
    Surgical Solutions Network offers private surgery across Canada, which means you can access surgery quicker and return to your normal life sooner. The price may depend on the amount of medical intervention required for your unique needs. We encourage you to contact us and speak to our Healthcare Advisors for more information.

Access Private ENT Specialists and ENT Surgery in Canada from Surgical Solutions Network

If you need ENT surgery in Canada to alleviate your chronic sinusitis symptoms or other sinus-related symptoms, you know that long wait times for surgery can negatively impact your quality of life. At Surgical Solutions Network, we provide Canadians with rapid access to the surgery they need, so you can return to your normal life sooner. Explore our options for private ENT surgery, such as private Balloon Sinuplasty, to expedite your healthcare and help you live your life to the fullest.

Surgical Solutions Network offers private healthcare access in Canada at our private clinics in Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Vancouver. Our ENT specialists are available at our Toronto surgical centres to perform sinus surgery. As a leader of private healthcare in Canada, we provide access to a variety of surgical procedures without the long wait times. When you partner with us for your private healthcare needs, you can get the surgery you need, when you need it. Surgical Solutions Network offers Canadians high-quality healthcare from our team of registered surgeons and nurses at our advanced surgical centres. We offer a range of procedures for your healthcare needs. Learn more about our licensed surgical centres  across Canada and contact us today to arrange a consultation.

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