What Should I Do if I Have a Hernia? (Updated 2023)

learn more about hernia surgery

If you discover an odd bulge in your abdomen or groin area, speak to your family doctor right away. They may diagnose you with a hernia. While a hernia diagnosis can feel overwhelming, it’s a common and treatable condition. However, it will require hernia surgery to resolve.

Hernias affect men and women from all walks of life, and can greatly impact your daily routine or work by causing pain and discomfort. Undergoing hernia surgery can help you regain your quality of life and eliminate the pain caused by the hernia. It can also prevent it from becoming a life-threatening strangulated hernia, which occurs when blood flow is cut off to part of the hernia.

Read More: All About Hernias and Your Treatment Options

How do people get hernias?

Hernias usually occur when there is a combination of pressure and muscle weakness in the abdominal area, and some of the abdominal contents protrude through the surrounding muscle. Anything that causes pressure in the abdomen can trigger a hernia, including straining, lifting, and coughing. Some people can develop hernias in the area of a scar from previous surgery, especially if there was an infection in the incision.

What are the symptoms of hernias?

There is a wide range of symptoms for hernias, including:

  • Swelling in the groin or scrotum
  • Pain in the area that is swelling
  • The swelling increases over time
  • Pain while lifting
  • A sense of fullness or pressure
  • Signs of an obstructed bowel
  • An aching or burning sensation
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Sometimes blood in the stool

These symptoms will be aggravated by anything that increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity.

What are common hernia procedures?

Depending on your specific condition and preferences, there are two common procedures to treat a hernia.

Laparoscopic hernia repair surgery is a minimally invasive option, which uses small incisions and a tiny camera called a laparoscope. This camera gives a wide interior view of the hernia to perform the surgery.

Open hernia repair surgery requires a larger incision in the abdomen or groin that gives the surgeon full access to the hernia and greater visibility for better accuracy.

Where can I go for my hernia surgery?

Waitlists are often long for common surgical procedures like this, which can add to the stress or pain of a hernia. As wait lists grow longer, many people waiting for elective surgery, such as hernia surgery, are left in pain. When you choose to undergo private hernia surgery at Surgical Solutions Network, you can get the immediate treatment you need for your hernia, without having to travel outside the country for rapid access to surgery.

Learn More About Hernia Surgery and Private Surgery in Canada at Surgical Solutions Network

If you’re struggling with a painful hernia or another condition that impacts your quality of life, private surgery in Canada at Surgical Solutions Network may be the solution you need to alleviate your pain. You can benefit from rapid access to surgery while staying within Canada with Surgical Solutions Network.

Our private clinics in Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Vancouver offer a variety of surgical specialties, including: private hernia surgery, foot and ankle arthroscopy, orthopedic surgery, private hip replacement surgery, private knee replacement surgery, ENT surgery, private gallbladder removal surgery, and more.

When you choose Surgical Solutions Network, you can undergo the surgery you need and return to your normal life sooner. Surgical Solutions Network’s accredited and advanced surgical centres offers Canadians access to high-quality, private healthcare from our team of fellowship-trained surgeons and registered nurses. If you’d like to learn more, explore our range of surgical procedures and learn more about our licensed surgical centres across Canada. To arrange a consultation, contact us today.

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