How Do You Sleep After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Beautiful woman resting in bed after gastric sleeve surgery

Getting enough sleep after any surgical procedure is an essential part of the healing process. Sleeping enough at night is especially important after gastric sleeve surgery because a lack of adequate sleep could jeopardize your weight loss goals.

In this blog post, we offer a “how-to” guide that will help you get started on the right foot if you’re preparing to undergo a gastric sleeve surgery.

How important is getting enough sleep? A 2019 study highlighted the relationship between poor sleep quality and weight management after gastric bypass surgery.

How To Sleep After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  1. Sleep on your back or side. These are the best sleeping positions after gastric bypass surgery. Many surgeons recommend sleeping in a recliner during the first couple of weeks after the procedure to help minimize discomfort. If you normally sleep on your stomach, try to change your sleep position before your surgery so you’re used to the new position.
  2. Create a comfortable sleeping environment. Ensure you have plenty of pillows, including one for your legs if you sleep on your side. Ensure the room is dark and quiet, or play recorded soothing sounds.
  3. Stop eating and drinking before bedtime. It’s important to stay hydrated and not go to bed hungry, but having a full stomach can make sleeping difficult, and fluids right before sleep make it more likely you’ll need to relieve yourself during the night. You should also stop drinking alcohol several hours before bedtime.
  4. Avoid taking naps during the day. This doesn’t mean you can never take a brief nap. But sleeping too much in the middle of the day disrupts your nighttime sleep pattern. If you feel drained during the day, close your eyes and set an alarm for no more than 30 minutes.
  5. Put away electronics at least an hour before bed. Light emitted from the screens of cell phones, tablets, or any other smart device can disrupt your body’s natural sleep rhythm.
  6. Consult with your doctor before taking sleeping pills. Even over-the-counter sleep aids may cause unwanted side effects. If you’re having trouble sleeping, contact your doctor to discuss possible solutions.
  7. Establish a pre-bedtime routine. This may include taking a bath, reading, meditation, or any other calming activity that signals your body that it’s time for sleep.

Have Questions?

Whether you’re preparing for gastric sleeve surgery or have already undergone the procedure and want to learn more about getting enough sleep, our team at Surgical Solutions Network can help. If you’re considering bariatric surgery in Canada and want to learn more about Surgical Solutions Network and your options at our Toronto clinic, request a consultation with one of our weight loss surgeons to discuss your goals and how we can help you.

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